
5 minutes with Peter - Maintenance Manager

What is your role at The Arbour Berry?

I am employed as the Maintenance Manager - I oversee a team of 4 maintenance staff and their day to day duties.

Describe your typical day at work

A typical day at work includes receiving maintenance requests from our residents and allocating them to my team or completing them myself. I am also hands on in terms of any mowing, painting or garden maintenance that is required. Being hands on helps understand what we are faced with in the field and also understand how we are dealing with the challenges (or opportunities) we face. I am also involved with engaging external contractors and the coordination of work they may be doing on site. I work closely with our residents and enjoy getting to know them and helping them where I can.

Tell us something people might find interesting about you.

I spent 12 years as an Operations Manager in the IT industry before moving to Australia and changing careers into maintenance.

Describe The Arbour in 5 words or less

A different way of life.